Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Lord knows when the cold wind blows it'll turn your head around...

What do you do when the darkness comes?

Hang around good people for one. Tonight was a trip to Union County to have dinner with the best writer I know, Marvin West, and his wife, Sarah.

Yankees game gets rained out, but that's OK. I really come for the company and conversation. Baseball, for once, is just an excuse.

We talk shop. Marvin tells me stories. Sarah tells me about her grandchildren, or prompts Marvin to fill in the gaps when she's in the other room.

I try to pay attention to the Red Sox, but am lost in Marvin's tales of guys named Bear and Battle. I hate to see the evening go; I cherish my time with the Wests.

Drive home listening to Sinatra, but that doesn't help much. Can't shake the fog.

Try to read, but that isn't working. News is too depressing.

Sit here in the stillness awhile. Not a good idea. Not tonight.

Maybe sleep will help. Don't know.

Can't shake the feeling.

But tomorrow I'll get up, go to work, jump back into this game called life.


Well, I've learned a lot from Marvin West. One of his lessons comes via former UT swim coach Ray Bussard.

Spizzerinctum. You either have it, or you don't.


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