Monday, February 01, 2010

When what used to be meets the here and now

It catches up with me from time to time.

Usually in the quiet moments of a Sunday afternoon -- imagine that -- when the ghost of what used to be catches up with the here and now.

It floated in yesterday through the words of a Jay Clark lyric, about another Sunday afternoon, when he had no place to go, and nothin' he had to do.

I've yet to figure out why the roller coaster ride ever has to end. But, I'm learning to remember the ups and forget about the downs and not worry so much about what happens when the music stops and the lights cut off.

I do miss the music, sweet and sad. But, I have my memories, and have a few records, and -- best of all -- I still have several of the people who made those moments as warm as the glowing logs of a winter night's burning blaze.

Life is what we make it. And it's been my experience that so, too, do those you choose to accompany you.

So I guess we should choose them wisely, on a Sunday afternoon or any ol' time, remember the ups, forget about the downs, and give yourself time to look for a little space, when the ghost of what used to be catches up with the here and now.


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