Monday, August 01, 2022

The man with Bogart's face

It's one of those old paperbacks that smells like it's aged right along with my bad eyesight. 

Smell is a form of time travel. The scent takes me back to young adulthood. I read a lot of books. 

My condition gives me fits with reading these days, so I like to listen to audiobooks. But this title caught my attention. "The Man with Bogart's Face." 

It's an homage to those glorious films of the '40s in which the good guy wins, the bad guy loses, and the girl always looks like Reese Witherspoon. 

How can you beat an homage to Bogart! These old adventure novels are easier for me to read. So I try one ever so often. 

Movies these days want to depress you. Well, I get enough of that in the news. So when I sit down to one, or a book tribute to one, I wanna have a good time and laugh. 

This one is fun, filled with wisecracks and explosive action. 

As he did on the silver screen, Bogie delivers. 

Here's looking at you, kid...


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